Transitions Special Initiative Funding Launch - Phase 2, (2024-2028)
Brentford FC



We have launched our Transitions Special Initiative funding – Phase 2 (2024-2028), looking to support organisations working with disadvantaged young people in London to help them to progress successfully from secondary education.  

We particularly want to fund work that supports young people in considering alternative pathways that build on the skills, knowledge and key competencies valued by future employers, and increases their knowledge and experiences of routes, for example apprenticeships, traineeships. 

Organisations interested in applying must be able to demonstrate how their proposed work helps disadvantaged young people from London to: 

  • Gain access to progression pathways including further or higher education, apprenticeships, traineeships and other similar programmes 
  • Build experience and knowledge of work including career specific work experience 
  • Develop social and emotional capabilities including communication, leadership and resilience 

For further information on how to apply for funding for the Transitions Special Initiative see our funding application webinar with accompanying slides and application guidelines

Applications via an Expression of Interest close at 12pm (noon) on Tuesday 20 August 2024. 

Find out more about the Mercers’ Company’s Young People & Education programme here.