Funding FAQs
Below are the answers to the most common
questions. If you cannot find what you need,
please contact us.
What do you fund?

We fund organisations that seek to support our funding priorities across our grantmaking programmes, see our funding guidelines. 

What kinds of organisations do you support - do we have to be a registered charity to apply?

We tend to fund registered charities but are also open to applications from any inclusive not for profit organisations, including educational establishments, community groups, social enterprises, churches and other faith groups.

Is there a time restriction between applications?

No, but if an expression of interest or application has been rejected recently it is highly likely a re-application will be unsuccessful.

Can applications be made to more than one grant programmes?

Yes, but we would prefer that you focus on one application with us at any time. 

How do you make decisions on applications?

Decisions on expressions of interest are made by staff panels and decisions on full applications are made by Committees, following assessment processes. The following are taken into consideration when making funding decisions:

  • the eligibility of applications;
  • the strength of an applicant organisation, including governance and finances;
  • the strength of the proposal, including if it is meeting need and the impact it will make; and
  • the balance of our existing grant portfolios.
What if the charity fits more than one programme, priority or aim?

Please apply for the programme and priority that is the best fit for your funding proposal. 

Do you pay the Living Wage?

We are proud to be a living wage employer, paying employees the real living wage, and are Living Wage Funders. 

How do I leave feedback for the Mercers’ Company funding programmes?

To find out how to leave feedback, give us a compliment or make a complaint please click here.

How do I find out more information?

For any further queries on our grantmaking programmes and funding please contact us.

Where should I direct media enquiries to?

Media enquiries should be directed to Felicity Winkles (